FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

i had gira and spf as v/v when gira was pushing spf

I would let it play out and let gira tunnel as wolf

missing me tbh

thoughts on tris?

There’s a player in this game called Meme pizza King???

What was Katze’s shot list again
Or are we doing the pass it along thing to figure shots out

Why not just ita him?

Tris and italy are my top SHATS

Heres why manny is wolf

Here manny was likely gonna claim to have visited or anything else, why would a doc who didnt visit say “redacted” otherwise??

This is them now correcting back since i found them non visiting and fumbling with the claim

This feels more like part of an evil ability, considering theres another doc claim, they wanted to still claim doc but couldnt due to being found not visiting

Tbh this is like the second post I’ve ever seen from you lol

ash wasnt towny at all at eod

if my push is wolfy or not? no, i am not a wolf. it just shows that what you call horrid wolfy posting, is just my playstyle

has anyone come forward with winds alignment?

open your eyes im all OVER this game. ive solved it.

I think Wazza said Wind was town iirc

yes, wazza said theyre town owo

Also happy to have them on shots tbh

Heres my case against them

which is to say, you are a skill issuer insomnyan, i towntold yesterday hard for all the zaraheads

Wazza revealed wind as town

reminder before we all decide to shoot me down cuz yall dont know how to read me

i also want to say i got memekingpizza as towny overnight

I think something in thread 1 caught my eye particularly as towny

wait i can be not lazy 1 sec

Oh yeah this for sure

But one thing that kind of pings me is the way memekingpizza reacted to Marl’s suspicion

Plus I suppose my townread isn’t something that’s concretely content/helpfulness related but just moreso a purity read which I suppose could be swingy.

“Yes Selkie” they all say in unison