FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

it is what it is



I’m literally poisoned and going to die at EoD if not healed.

I’m trying not to say too much you nerd.
I know my ability’s gone off.
And the whole ‘suspicious’ part to it also has.

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not useless if people can just join is it or steal messages or something else

fwiw if theres a healer , im assuming this is poison/fake poison both from mafia, but id assume leafias is real over creatures LOL

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Metagaming and soul reading wolf, poisoning the dude who can be a scapegoat isnt a smart choice

Hi I missed a lot during eod.

I’m sorry achro.

I’m an idiot.

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i dont know nya ;-;

@katze come shield me mum im BORED.


Who ended up getting the check on windward?


Yeah sometimes he gets scumread a lot as town
I think he’s been well within his town range so far

Not me

oh hey marl hi

@Zugzwang this is definitely from a may flavoured role lol

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Hi Manny!

There were a shitton of ppl saying he was cleared

I’ll read it later

also it’s hella confusing that the flavor is a player in the game

I guess we have 6 ash-es now

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