FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


Still not had a chance to read, I’ll be on my break some point during ITA phase, when’s next one just in case I miss this one


Im not

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You apparently think that a hardbusser would defemd two teammates who are always dying.

You gave a buff to the guy who always gets n1’d?


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nvm i dont feel like shooting amelia with the “taking less damage from ita’s thing”
switching to tris ig

you would be a waste

almost time for a slaughter

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guys masslcaimthey cant anticlaim us all…

claim ur guild now

It never fails for me to be gaslit Everytime I suspect Artemis, literally every game, and if I’m wrong people should make fun of me?

Fuck off

Like if you want to shoot jinrou shooy me instead

i feel like leafia might have known it was fake

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who are you gonna shoot then? what r ur wolfreads

Thinking about ITAing tris here. Their splooning skillz are troubling to me tbh.

can someone pls confirm what the shotlist is :sob:

(so in character for benguined abt the 3ps :joy:)

tris full name is just tris yea?

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blood for the blood god?

gocj claims some mech on jinrou

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i want to shoot sda
i’m mulling on if i want to do it now or later