FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

i gave you guys reasons for why i am town and instead you guys tried to put me on itas before kiiruma and leafia

forgive and forget is over

he claims vig so youre maybe dying tonight if he lives so

katze should come back to give more shotlists :pensive:

…im indifferent

Will you have something by next ITA session?

Seems important given kiiruma was poisoner

If there is a contradiction then we put cape top of lists

No they claimed vig it seems

i shot mafia with my boosted shot im CONFIRMED town

Not marluna because marl was shading me for my leafia treatment

Also jake shot luxy which is ew

yeye aha

you may continue the same as before.

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ftr i was in a neighborhood with Leafia (banned players chat) in which they told me that their flavor was Eliza
but they didn’t hint what their other thing was

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To be honest during this session I was gonna backread
But I’m so terrified of being hero shot I feel like a weed

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why are you town bystander?

wait wtf is this shot

yeah true

i don’t think the case on carbonated is very good it’s all just “ohh how would a “new” (not new) player know how to do this?” flimsiest logic in the world

They literally just shot me

He also claimed 3p did he not?

You lack the iron to do so.

I’m re-evaluating and will probably shoot later.