FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

My break internet is either ass or the server is dying again lol

Cape might be a wolf

kii claimed it was to “break tie” but also the site was lagging so much, tutuu was probably already a goner at this point


servers dying

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this one

i just realized i messed up my vote :sob:
VOTE: JakeTheWolfie

I also fucking agree with this and was hoping angels didn’t exist.

We legit should ban that mechanic.

no dont listen to him

i kinda want them shot. hesitatnt because i thought they started off towny.

don’t shoot me lmaooooo

well ig you could my role is kinda useless but

you’d lose a free townie

Interesting interaction

/ITA Amelia @FAMHost

ty you are town now

It all comes across very awkward to me, and I think the confidence presented in the latter two posts after Tutuu’s only interaction with them being the first two linked posts then voting them in response to them self-voting indicates TMI.


We are reenabling the VC-bot to reduce site lag. Vote counts will have dead people on them until the end of the ITA period.


just so everyone is aware the site has lag on loading votecounts if it hasn’t been refreshed in a recent number of posts

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Not nutella

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i think its more likely a 3p than a wolf thing fwiw

I think Katze made a case he’s wolf if Artemis is a wolf