FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


oh there goes amelia

readd nutella shes open wolfing for a while

holy shit

bro youve never even played with me before so its really funny you think this is my wolf game

Amelia was Town

Image rolecard

Text-based rolecard

lmao get owned anekua


I will actually hate them if htat’s the case.

Cape defending wolf kp can die

Ngl I read Chaos as newbie town last night what makes you think different?

lol the randomly coming in a voting an outted maifa is just

Wind with the fucking sniper wtf

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Uh maybe I should’ve shot elsewhere

damn amelia really sucks at that whole “ita immune” thing

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stop including me on your ita list dear god

ill be annoyed if they flip wolf cuz i was going to ita them till they claimed the “more resistant to ita shots” :joy_cat:


i think its wolfy

dya thinks its wolfy

i think dya is v

thats good enough for me

i’ll claim my role if i need to lol

why do u care sm

ok i feel less bad now