FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

I still wanna figure out who had the agenda to push it though. As I said I think its wolf motivated

Thoughts on Bionic?

Where do you all stand on Stick btw?

hallias less of a godreader and more of a godbeliever but ok (ilu hallia)

Im gonan find the quotes

Ahh OK I just misread your post then

eh i feel like fullclaiming cuz thats the only way my role can be useful rn i think
im a doctor + vig, i heal people HP UNLESS they’re bloodied in which case i kill them

@katze how the fuck do i use this


Lmao this is so toxic, get over it

while i’ve done not a whole lot i’ve actually thought things owo

and that’s not depicted in her read of me owo

I quite literally did not. The only - ONLY - person I hard defended at any point was Jake, and that was because they weren’t posting. And then they started posting, and I immediately rescinded it because they sounded scummy as shit.


bionic good leave alone

of course

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I’m sorry who wolf read leafia yesterday? Not you.

ari why cant irecall any of your posts :(

as a vig

use it to vig people who took a lo of ITA shots or heal villagers who got hero shot once or twice ig?

i believe u

is he your 3p buddy?

wait Jinrou do you still need help with math problems

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Alright then that makes Cape90 bad