FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


To me neil seems alot like PokeMash
Which is why I read them like a bad rash

I don’t think there’s enough here yet, but I think Cape flipping town gives more credit to Carbonated being town as well.

she believed it despite all the mech evidence to the contrary for no reason.

VOTE: Jake

VOTE: frostwolf


You just charge it to the game

Cape didn’t read the thread and singled out kiiruma as a villagery vote when it wasn’t the case

If he had done his reaearch, he would’ve known. Just unlucky he made this read on the kp


looking at the wagons

gorta, meu, ashlynn and beancat look the worst

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i feel like my reads have been shit so ill just sheep eufhg

Probably Insomnia too, actually.

By the time Cape’s HP was chipped it was still more efficient to flip Cape as extra town KP to kill the PoE, the skill issue occurred before then

ill try to have an answer for this before i go to bedaltho i kinda wanted to fuck off from thread now

how so owo? seen neil around but not a whole lot from it owo

imagine having reads other than stealing what katze and achro say

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i feel like everything you do is just to shield carbonated but i felt that way with cape and he was town so maybe im just bad.

Did ita officially end?


cape shooters

ugghhhh there are def some wolves in here

kinda stressed by may’s posting owo

idk if they’re wolfy but i’m… mrf at it ig owo

hey. theresno fucking excuse to misgender me in this stupid video game. youve played with me, dont pull this shit

Till window 2