FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

hey. theresno fucking excuse to misgender me in this stupid video game. youve played with me, dont pull this shit

Till window 2

Someone day vig Jake plz lol

i don’t know how to make good reads because i can’t read people well (a flaw i have in eimm is me being too trusting, so good reads are not for me). what do you want me to do, make reads that i’m 0% sure of just to appease you?

I agree with the idea that the reasons to wolfread carbonated RN are bullshit

oh yeah in case it ever matters:

n1 leafia + stick

You can figure out the rest.

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who pushed for cape?

Chaos is because he asked for a shot.

this shot on cape BEFORE italy was flipped sucks.

wolf shooting villa admist all the shots on w!italy

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i shot cape too :3

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i psychically manifested the cape shots

Its funny that i missremembered yet this post still comes back to the italy/mafia flips we have seen this day, since its still insinuating that those are not worth the shots (Italy flipped mafia, kiiuma was kinda of a low poster/coasting also flipped mafia), this is what i remember reading and now in hindsight its still wolfy

outted wolf

yawn still town

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@SirDerpsAlot who do your think is town/mafia/3rdparty/lostwolf/jackal/nk/coven/apocalypse/atheisthost/null?

ah i decided you were toptown earlier

Also sorry for missremembering xoxo @Ashlyn


Sorry. fooled you.