FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

atlas were u wolf or mafia in botc yellow i forgot

yes im just saying what im thinking

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i kinda think your reaction’s a bit wolfy sorry neil owo

i was fool
you all lynched me at litten’s volition


I sus’d poisoner and shat italy

Your turn!

Town post

i said not to vote u tho

good news: so am I!

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i said that knowing it would be LOL.

… the full statement is, i didn’t want the low-posters dead first, especially if the only reasoning was because they were a low poster.

I’m not convinced Leafia was throwing lol she seemed genuinely lost

Wisp: Mera is town
Random people out of know where: Mera is really townie

Good thing I don’t care enough to argue in thread, cause my voice is going like in one year and right out the other

Probably but I’m tired and don’t remember I noted a few people I thought were town in thread

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fair enough owo

would not push you yet owo

eh eph i kinda just think neil is town

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oh wait ur wisp owo

lmao owo

Why are people even saying they threw?

man i swear ive seen leafia play a ton of botf but its certainly possible.

imma just stick with jinrou pprob spewed villa whatev

yeah i think leafia was actually playing botc for fun