FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

They are rand town.

I thought about it and I don’t think him popping in to vote tutuu last minute is a bus vote

i have more damage but less direct hit %

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When its uncharacterstic yes when its a random, you gotta be careful

My current BOTC record is 2 scum games that I’ve both won… I think I’m the best player in the world lowkey…

xD i mean. i guess. im not a fan of infinite scroll and i dont like the light theme for this site (and i use the light theme on sites generally) so its just like. weird for me to get reads? discord mafia also ends up beign kinda hard for me too but FoL is def worse. sorry ik like ppl like it here but im just like. i hate it LOL

When is the next ita sesh?

Around 12h?

Sabdi was saying it was weird for italy since yesterday to be low posting and kinda not there and hard pushed it

me after i win 1 turbo where the other team threw

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dark theme goated owo

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Note to self: tracking ITAs takes longer than it does for the phase to conclude.
I had a health tracker but I was logical enough to not complete that at the time.

He simply could just not popped in to vote esp when he said he wasn’t going to vote @katze

Plus basing off his eimm play he’s not going to do 10D Chess moves. He’s straightforward


i believe u and i want u to be town but ur LACKING u eel

wheres the cutie with the hammer…

in like 6 hrs owo

@katze Yeah I think, like, “kill somebody who’s part of an opposing guild, unless they’re a leader” could potentially make sense. IDK though. I’m gonna ask Jake and see

3 wolf for 4 town is this a W?

5 hours 47 i think

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who would wolves be more likely to defend?
leafia or kiiruma to their end?

ftr i put one on cape

Lol im gonna sleep through it


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