FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

I kinda thought leafia was townie if I ignored the poison mech shit, but I also didn’t care to say anything because with them dead, as either Mafia or town, my win chance goes up

Nonsense rant I don’t actually endorse:

You fuckers need to stop saying “rand!town” and “rand town” for GREATER THAN rand town, that makes no fucking sense, things can be “greater htan rand” or “less than rand” or “equals rand” and I hear all of these used all the time, you have to specify HOW you’re comparing it to rand, otherwise that’s nonsense!! That’s no sense!!! It’d be one thing to abbreviate like this if nobody ever said something was “=rand” but they DO say that so it’s AMBIGUOUS and I can’t read any of oyur POSTS

wow i’m so glad you noticed owo!

yeah i see it.

i dont think its enough for me to say theyre lock town.

im fine giving them some more time but i expect them to get shat soon

? ?huh

Erm I’m not seeing any mention of Tilted Towers…

(Oh right that lol)

mhm i was second to last

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how sober are you rn

Kiiruma bjorked his claim and Daeron made a sick read tbh.

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can you try to be townie for me


@bystander this


If u take a shot I’ll take a shot

We have thirty-eight shooters remaining.

i think he was saying hes good w achro cause achro was pelts

I’m being mad online for my own entertainment I don’t actually care about this. To be clear

Creature claims that they won’t die to the poison on them FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2 - #1564 by Creature

oh yeah i skimmed begnuinepenguins iso i think they are wolf. the only think i can kind of townread them is for like indignation entitlement things and i dont even think its that strong

he kind of just comments on stuff and then in itas doesn’t really contribute much of his own stuff and once again the cape shot timing was just a lot worse than a lot of the other shots.

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10 then