FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

I visited you ln

David Bowie my love :kissing_heart:

likely protection hit somewhere because that is low n1 kp for the size of the game.

Day 1 Summary

hopefully this doesn’t ping

– Non-Playable Events –

Marl needs 6 votes for an alignment check on him (happened with Windwardaway D1), Apocryphal will “destroy anyone” who interacts with her, Creature and Leafia are poisoned. https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/4?u=atlas

– Playable Events –

More Propaganda, and role design contest https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/6?u=atlas

– Claims –

manny claims ita healer https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/263?u=atlas

kii’s “abil conf thing” https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/288?u=atlas

– Conclusion –

ping me if i missed anything. or if the quote thing still pings you and i'll try and fix it


Kiiruma was the last voter on tutuu so good look there.

Me/insomnia (slanktai)/carbonated were all late voters on Achro.

If Achro is town then I think one of the two could be mafia and I obviously lean carbonated

I don’t know what I was doing, tutuu was doing the textbook wolf thing in hard pushing CW. Achro was too to be fair


hippo villa
millium villa
dum villa
hallia villa
may villa
daeron villa
zone villa
stick villa
pogscha villa
gocj villa
katze villa
bob villa
sk villa
nut villa
ash4fun villa

@katze tell me if u veto anyone here, or tell me if u wanna force anyone into my villa list, ill blind sheep

I also considered dealing my damage to Ash (of the not for fun variety) because both times I saw them in thread yesterday they were really low impact

(Speak less than 20 words, caveman becomes shaman)

anyway someone asked me for a shotlist and uhh.

give me a bit im gonna try to drop a fullish readlist and then eat my beloved dayvig

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jail v

ehhh hmm m

Achro did have a bit of switch up from thread 1 to thread 2 as the initial caller of w!tuutu, i initially read iso and thought it was wolfy but they explained afterwards and i buy it

I low-key think Achro wagon is more pure then tutuu wagon

Despite what I just said

u are not katsay, sorry my blind sheeping only extends to them rn

Then why not just say, when I asked, is there more to your role, “yes”, I’m not asking u to claim anything about said role. I understand the implications of claiming

whos woof cape90

Katze stop ignoring me weh

Wow, “someone” :pleading_face: