you will get a cookie when you deserve it
Ur mom
prio: marluxion
backup: marluna (part marluxion)
maybe i’ll just shoot window 3
does fol maches have 2nd 3rd place prizes and stuff liek that
not a wolf, just searching for people who will give me points.
Will you give me points?
This is a joke right because marluna is obvious rown
they have pelt
shut up and vote me so you can get my peek
as for that eod
going from here: FAM4: Thread 2 - Night 1 - #4899 by Cape90
to these:
without like. any progression was bad
uhhhh i liked smth from her fro her last posting but idr what LOL. are you wigged out on her early read of bystander ?
stand down meuh
actually this might be a good idea for me because [REDACTED]
VOTE: marluxion
(i think ur town, but id rather i get it than most people)
We get it but why bring this up?
[May, I can not talk about this because of the moderators]
ni la, mi ken ala sona e ni: jan soweli Keki li pona. mi pilin ike lili.
[In this context, I cannot know that Jake is good. I feel a little bad]