FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

i had nothing happen to me at the end of the night that i can verify that wasnt to do with something i know wasnt you

sorry lmao im just a bit overwhelmed

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town: gocj, katze, ash?, jane, yawn, manny, atlas (maybe others that i forget atm but these are just my off the cuff thoughts)

not town: italy, millium, alexandra, slanktai

wazza and pandora were slots i flagged as ‘sort these’ during the night prolly cuz smt about them stood out to me while skimming but i havent actually done that so

gn nya

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Hmmm bad post friend

imgaine getting donowalled by katze

what were the numbers looking like though?

i thought his post with the vote looked like wolfy justification, but i didn’t care as for the timing of the vote

if it was already decided, then i wouldn’t weigh it too much

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I imagine there are consequences to ITAing them.
Fits the profile picture for sure.

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i vow to destroy the sunlit realms

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To be fair I only voted to stop a tie.
I personally thought that it was the wrong wagon.

I can’t resist teasing you you’re ok

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oh hey i can also interact with stick lfg.

why do u scumread the person that loves me aka alexandra

Okay, I think u are being extremely Wolfie in your responses to me so


I just said who I wanted to kill Neil.

I ain’t home though

getting snubbed in thread rn and i am not a fan

I protected you :-:

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you voted to put tutuu on a tie with achro?

tuutuu reacte dto the initial callout with a post quoting elize you and achro.

don’t think there is a partner in there.

that was 5 hours into d11 or something when the initial tuutuu wagon formed.

(I don’t know how to quote posts from old threads so you either look it up or take my word for it)

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Do people actually still think Apo is a wolf lol

@katze can you give us a good ita list

It was not a tie fyi