FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

I forgot who shot who hold on…

@katze you know what’s bad, I think Wiggles actually felt bad for owning me so hard, he had a lot of stuff to say about that game but it took him three months to say anything to me.

Anyway I’m eepy gn alarm set for Iya 2

VOTE: Jake

Game is lost already if I’m wolf, no hope, give up now

frost posts around here might be unaligned w leafia

not lock oni t, im legit falling asleep, but idt frost would care to fighjt about this as w/w/w?

I kind of htink Frost is just a villager

mac killed me irl for sussing wiggles d1 and i was right so whos the real elite villager

…do you have anyone you’d like to see shot in ita2
theres a few nulls im fine with gunning through

Carry my shot list for ita2

he’s way more inactive then he was in fam3 which im eh on?

He knows how to post as wolf now. Posting as wolf is roughly equal in difficulty regardless of circumstances: you’re making up reads, you can make up reads in any thread. Posting as town is much more fickle and subject to things like getting overwhelmed

gimme ur list ill give my thots

magnus alexandra bionic (stolen from gocj)

Windward Away

There should be more but yeah I’m not entirely sure?


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maybe littlelee if magnus is v

Anon games are pain.

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i think katze is acting normalstyle. i think may is acting normalstyle. i think brad is having a townie pop in moment because ive done literally the exact same thing i think atlas is null because i havent read anything theyve said i think gocj has a very funny name and if i read everyone currently in thread every time i remember the game exists eventually i will have a readlist without having to read every post. this is my new strategy

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This is a stupid read and because of its stupid nature I’m not gonna hard shield Frost or anything. It’s an “acutally this incredibly wolfy thing probably isn’t wolfy?” sort of post

elaborate on your townread of apo?