FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


Nah I trust Wazza

I think that’s fairly universal for people who know me, and that’s why I’ve been so focused on trying to kill a wolf today.

Just wondering if we assume its the second how many uses would the ability have?

We don’t know. It’s a closed setup

I think it is player targeted.
(Probs 3p, who gets something based on who they target, or if they target eventually get axed, or the player who has the ability is not allowed to talk about it

that… that didn’t exlpain at all…ngl it went over my head.

the 6 wagon vote is probably just an ability right

Has everyone ignored the contradiction jinrou said about wind

That why would wind claim to have picked when mod post said it was rand


or is it modconfirmed to be an event


We’re waiting for Windward to respond

yeah shrug

i feel like i had an easier time reading rue but dont quote me on that

im sad that spf died i want her to carry me

atlas pointed it out earlier too


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it’d be super strange to have the exact same check event two days in a row i think

:sob: im always like this I panic a lot my brain no work fast

tho i like being pinged its nice :slight_smile:

Oh right someone* exists

I mean make a guess on how many uses that ability would have dont care if its not certain just need to get opinions