FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Hippity hoppity your head is now on a coffin

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You may say that its a phase, but i say that its an art

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Manny tracker no
Wind green check by wazza

okay I’m gonna not vote on the Marl wagon at all btw purely because I was the one who received the Wind peek so I think it makes sense?

read his d1 again its so fucking towny is it not

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After that it’s mixed

Artemis/Jarek/Ashlyn but none of their shots thrill me.

Jinrou wants something like Nutella/Manny

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Oh excellent

Is there anything important I missed since the end of the ITA phase?

every deck needs a knave, to come and stack the cards

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How do i filter messages to have a keyword

No it’s very Zug indicative. Indicative of being Zug

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the world may be yours to save, but its mine to tear apart

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god I love that song

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May you can read zug imma p it you on the spot. Why is zug?

he is so fucking good at singing wtf

I am in desperate need (read: want) of all 3 superlikes. :hmmyes:

Fuck I forgot to say nya I’m gojng to die

Zug, like most people, is due to his parents

I remember liking their reasoning for voting Wind
Wanting to see who would unvote because they’d likely be town

Idk if I had other reasons than that

I honestly didnt expect less

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