FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2



maybe pandora idfk I’m considering if their EoD is wolfy bad or if it’s just bad

Jokingly claiming wolf like tha tis NAI and you know it, you’re just looking for an additional reason to declare it Jake’s Fault you’re executing him. And I mean we’re executing him almost certainly but that’s still not my preferred way to play

Also I disagree with both of those shots :wowee:

Oh? You TR Magnus?


slightly confused as Jake indicates they’re

but they claim stabbing someone so?

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i’m not considering gamethrowing in my calculations, quite honestly.

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Yeah that’s the problem

I support this shot nya

Ykw im tired itd almost 2:30 im just gonna leave it to ya and pray we hit wolf

Although magnus has been called wolf already by more ppl than me

i hate my brain for thinking this can be town behavior

not sure where I see the ITA immune but i think this is prime shotlist behavior, if anyone shoots and kills town at least put them on the list until further review

Going “I’m wolf lol” isn’t gamethrowing. Other htings debatably are but it’s against my principles to consider like

Jake is ITA immune.

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Oh you said that

the enigmatic is probably a lie
and hey if they did violate that it means they’re vanilla now right

its against mine to consider otherwise, i think
you dont wolfclaim if youre town

We shot him 3 times and all of them “missed” (as in, werne’t processed, didn’t fail the roll)

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How ?? Nya?

I’m asking for some specification on it, because I believe the enigmatic part, but I feel like he lied about the attempted stab
