FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

believing my Wind greencheck but not believing me to be town, society :pensive:

yeah just got confirmation on this

is it ita window or is that in an hour


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idk about meta, just saying my first thought when I saw that was “too wolfy so town”

and im like “no wtf”

i assume an houyr bc i dont see people shooting lol

why would jake, who’s being honest about everything, lie about being enigmatic

hell I think saying your enigmatic breaks enigmatic lol

I think he’s just bullshitting and is jester or something, sorry not sorry lol

I don’t think you’re wolfy reallt. But as I’ve said wolves in this spot usually just out the correct check. Unless W/W

For the duration of the day, I’d imagine.

I think i can pull this for beginning of ita let me get another midnight snack

I’ll be honest, I’d bus Wind in a heartbeat lol


can you elaborate on insomnia?
nothing i saw from them seemed particularly telling

honestly i can see a “get ITA’d X times, have it not process, then shoot it all back out after X times” role

You would buss anybody in a heartbeat i fear

as both 3p and mafia
more mafia

No! I wouldn’t bus May in a heartbeat


wait 40 min

Thats a mean role

I’m not stupid enough to bus someone who would hit me with a literal one