FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

this. doesnt help


Kana youā€™re off your meds again

Yeah backread

Yawn what are your thoughts on the game right now.

yall are so mean wagoning me and bringing my mood down like this :sob:
it could even be my birthday today; its not but you didnā€™t know that before you were mean to me
fucking disgusting

kanave readlist

Warmy blanket?

ik ive been trying to get back on hrt for like a year now

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this is the main key point
if you havenā€™t noticed in the last ~X games Iā€™ve played i tend to have a very OMGUS-y take wherein I do not take lightly to people that try to kill me, especially more if im on the less active side in that game

anyway movving on


And remember guys

Drugs are good bad

aww, i knew you only sorta hated me <3

Not a fan of whatever Kanave is doing, Iā€™ll just ignore it I guess.

moving away and coming in solely so people dont shoot you for itaā€™s is not too hard of a thing to grasp

good question, Iā€™d probably mostly just sheep katze with like, hazard and may as town, millium iā€™ve liked their posts but idk how much of that is just enjoying their thread presence, you and zone are obv town for how your slots have handled the summaries

Did you actually read my argument? I know you responded to the first post, but do you have anything to say to the second?

Itā€™s hard to hate you when youā€™re the only birthday in my calendar lol

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