FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

why is this a good look iyo owo

holy shit i could vote myself to receive my own alignment

peak self resolving


nah carroty is lock town cuz spf would never be that washed.

Town protection

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Anyway that changed my reads absolutely none


also i genuinely think my town rolecard has been on full display by now so gg owo

Windy did you actually vote me over a fucking joke lol


No it hasnt

wolfy lol

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sup king, wanna make a shotlist?

is this yer first post today owo

why u do that

I kinda think this is a weird line for you to take as a wolf tbh owo

skill issue owo

I just woke up and going through notifications

i actually do believe ephemera is town fwiw

I still don’t trust achro.

He wasn’t burying tutuu.
He was the cw.


is that even a person