FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Means nothing. Her case was ate.

it forces me to be shot to reveal my alignment
which guess what happens if i’m shot
my alignment gets revealed

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You said you unironically thought I was wolfy
How was I supposed to know you were not being serious? :joy_cat:

Tutuu was trying to Barry Silviu
Tutuu seems like a busser who knew
That they were dying
So started trying
Anti spew

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achro is not LITERALLY LOCK TOWN but he is. fairly likely a villager.

and i have yet to see a single good reason to scumread him?

I just don’t think he’s locked town like katze and others.

Katze dont bother dont you remember last year i got copped and they still suspected me lol

Anyway sorry for my low wim i was husy wolfing the fuck out of a champs game for 2 weeks and was tired. Feeling better now tho but judt woke up.

When is itas

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No super like. (We can use those?)
No day actions.

whos yer group?

what is this? owo

whenever i see a name like silviu i realize i only know like a third of the actual playerlist in this game

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1 hour 45m

that said this opener is meh owo

prolly town achro tho owo

That’s mine

Yes everyone gets 1

2 hours also r3ad my iso on you


Got it, Thank you


Why was I summoned (i.e., tagged)?

I have no read to tr him. He’s an alignment