FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

crazy work

I was gonna do it but Iā€™m horribly indecisive

go ahead

when i flip blast sabi

Iā€™m town protection and saved katze ln

Letā€™s not shoot jinrou

Look at mine

JakeTheWolfie can be on there, pandora claimed a role that learns whether somebody killed which is ~towny IDT she really claims there as wolf? I think she tries something else before claiming

just blast sabi out of the game when ia m dead

Or sabi



Sabi is town

Theyā€™re just wrong and stubborn

God this again

Please reread the interaction

Since then, I didnā€™t see much of him day 1, but his start today felt towny.

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sabi is town so no

then punish them for it

I was going to do it too but people didnā€™t want to cooperate.

was afk

ill quote my last ā€œshotlistā€ 1 sec

Size 7 post incoming

when did they are town ever stop me from making a point?