FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Why is a ~rand 15 poster a bad shot? Aren’t people like that what ITAs are for?

lol what’s the fake shit

Did you not try to wagon someone people were V reading when the wolf Kp wagon took off?

oh i thought you were implying that jin said when he flips town, he said that you will be cleared

yeah okay nvm lol

its a very low-effort and unaccountable way to get a villager on the shotlists if jake is v

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ashluyn is town



Ashlyn, if this was really my goal, why am I picking Jake in particular?


its wild to claim i have invented shit when i have made no claims other than saying they’re openwolfing :joy_cat:

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Please post shot list when time comes
I can already hear the drums

Well if youre town thats bad for them. Hero shots are fine as long as they kill scum


This is a mess

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it would specifically guarantee that they die by the end of the day if the poison is real


what the fuck is going on


does it matter?

you are convinced i am openw olfing right?

then shoot me dead, I made sure to leave a legacy thats all

Do people think Ash4fun and manny are wolves here? I know a couple people want to shoot Manny.

not really
we have an idea, everyones just freaking out

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