FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


can i diff check achro and u :joy_cat:

No. Her push on me isnā€™t because of her result, itā€™s because I refused to give information in response to her result, and for some reason she thinks thatā€™s wolfy despite the fact that she acknowledged that her result pointed to me having a strong role, which gives me more reason to not want to out any part of it in thread.

im sheepign my townreads therefore its not my fault :curtain:

No they are not


it is fuck you

I have used the potion.

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chat pick a person iā€™ll one tap them trust

im iffy on killing artemis

my townread on her has largely drowned out but i dont see too big of a reason to kill her; if yā€™all do the shots fine

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Iā€¦know nothing about this?

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why, whatd I miss

Jinrou is not consensus first shot
We blast Kiiruma first


this guy literelaly ADMITTED to wanteing to shoot immediately cuz he thinks he will die (not towny ideas)

also he is clearly lurking can we SHOT

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im sniping at 00 since i may die, that is all, coordinate after me if yā€™all want

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Itā€™s a lot of things, if u are town ohh well


also should mention I take 5 less damage from itas so if ur committed to slaughtering me then actually commit lol

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no i didnā€™t youā€™re posting misinformation