FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

daeron is town

The shot connects.

so you are TMIing Kiiruma as town?

@FAMHost /ita Artemis

wasnt gocj a tracker on me lol


I am so goated

Whats oracle

so is leafia outted

it was confirmed fake i thought

I never get sheeped :/

Soooo we are ITA’ing Leafia right?

We don’t think she’s poisoned after that?


what does that do

i have 5 shots, @katze help me out here my reads have apparently been shit

death cop

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@famhost /Ita Leafia


Yes, Leafia TMI’d the poison being fake. ITA Leafia.

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Early on paranoia was right!

Can I pretend to be neutral again