FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

i now wanna see leafia flip just to see if tris should die or not
i dont w!leafia shoots w!tris here

very bleh post in hindsight of leafia/kiiruma TMI

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still think mays town but ill look at that later


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holy shit this is a lot of itas

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Oh, this gave me a wincon advancing point, how fun.

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slow down and let them process

i am about to flip

gonna wait until all the shots have processed to use my second one lmfao

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shooting tris is kinda bad rn before leafia flips :joy_cat:

FAMHost isnā€™t automated; itā€™s literally the half-dozen GMs scrambling to catch up to things.

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@benguinedparbecue why ita shooter before flip?
Gun this down if Nutella red flip

i was saying the same shit, its just generally mech optimal

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If I get randomly sniped and itā€™s a direct hit, do w/e with Artemis, but my targets were both spf and then, for clarity

I might be holding off and letting them catch up.

i reread the role a few times and i think daeronā€™s right leafia is just wolf with tmi

I absolutely never defend two wolf buddies as a wolf.

ā€¦ okay, nevermind @Luxy. Sorry.

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my pc is in the trenches oml

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where the flips

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