FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Who are we shooting? Apparently my shot was ignored

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chat what do you do if your opponent turns you anemic

let me viiiiibe

who would have banned you?

good shots:

ok shots:

you shoot them irl

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shoot nutella

Marl has an upcoming alignment peek don’t shoot him

My concern with them is from Tutuu spew. I think Tutuu’s push on them is super out of place and looks like a bus.

Jake is vog

probably the same person who gave me the modpost

what was the consensus on shooting cape btw?

is this ok

AGREE honestly and we’ve been agreeing on too many things today that have been correct

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where tf did I say I was gonna shoot ppl

Oic ok

i dont directly disagree with shooting marl, some of his posts have read offish to me, but i dont have a good case on him otherwise

im trusting hazzys justdgement and leaving to go eat gl town shoot wolves pls

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I just asked who people wanted to shoot

why is bystander making shots list