FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

jake is getting yeeted, its a night action

@katze do I set an alarm at 4 am to shoot cape?

I can’t shoot till second ita window because of reasons

Ugh I’m a bit traumatized from last mash where a wolf “soulread” another wolf town

your vote was on me when i entered the thread

I still think that Gori and Alexandra should be the next shots, but waiting until next session is probably optimal.

what does. this mean?

ah. nevermind then.


Go on

…why do u care about a derps shield ?

if you think cape isnt wolf then bionic is a fine shot probably

Some people wear braces.

Some people wear headgear.

Fran can play linebacker for the Oakland Raiders.

its ok im confirmed

i cant take you seriously with that avatar


it means cftwr owo

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i could believe this is a villager but either way its not w/w w eph

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u should def shoot some1, dunno if itll be cape by then

can you make ita-3? that should be a better timeslot for you.

i mean yeah? i wasnt telling people to shoot u or telling to add u to shotlists unlike the other two there though
which is why im saying u are wilding

I got that exactly from that post as well

i have decrease ita direct hit percentage :frowning: