FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

im being accused of something - and someone already SHOT at me directly because of it - that is factually incorrect. they are outright IGNORING me explaining to them where they went wrong.

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its sort of weird to be otherwise okay with being scumread and imply that there exists legitimate reasons to scumread you if you’re town

ask wazza @Yawn they said i was confirmed

The shot connects.

Oh someone shot Artemis

That’s one interesting direction

Why are the asterisks still in the post etf

we still shouldnt take hero shots

Does anyone have a confident read on Neil? If you say yes I’ll flip and coin and decide if I believe you.


i dont really like this read just bc chaos just did what he was pressured into doing


i do

because chaos does this same twice when he randomly pops in thread to shoot/vote a consensus without any prior engagement

acutally i dont even think capes alignment matters in this chaos is just wolfy


this post really doesn’t make me lean them either way owo

I want to discuss neil after ita session to be honest
my read on it is pretty modest

there is no librarian and not dying to the virgin makes you outsider or evil.

wanting to kill you is just more reasonable with that info.

i had a vague wolfread when it was around but it could be due to him low efforting this
cuz its only playing due to a paycheck :joy_cat:

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did someone tell him to or did he ask…? i dont recall that

@FAMHost /ita shot Jake

Hello again