FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

anyway that made me sad im gonna go hang out with my irl friend whos leaving the country instead of threadcamping gl

please don’t be pocketing me owo

it’s okay
maybe just
listen next time when someone goes “you are objectively wrong about this thing” instead of getting people to shoot at them

i think this paranoia is performative lol

i never tr atlas tbh

My dori brain forgor

do you have anyone else you think is town or not?

i feel like i owe it to be better but im also far too tired for that ugh. i got worked up abt misreading leafia and italy and thinkinbg how i misread cape in stellaris and fiugured id bite the bullet.

Youre still scum i fear but yeah

hes been towny all day and idt he ever does that as maf, even if he’s a sick role

all felt real to me, the jump onto may felt real, etc. should never be wolf

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atlas were u wolf or mafia in botc yellow i forgot

yes im just saying what im thinking

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i kinda think your reaction’s a bit wolfy sorry neil owo

i was fool
you all lynched me at litten’s volition


I sus’d poisoner and shat italy

Your turn!

Town post

i said not to vote u tho

good news: so am I!

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i said that knowing it would be LOL.