FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


@Jinrou has received a cookie!

1 Like

Why you villa reading frost, may?


Jake is literally the closest I will ever get to saying someone is outted, his claim and being ita immune is 100% a wolf, asking them questions is silly base don the already garbage posts they made in recent which is just them lol catting

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 2 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
21 JakeTheWolfie WindwardAway, bystander, benguinedparbecue, Kanave, Jinrou, nutella, ElizaThePsycho, dyachei, Hallia, jail, ChaosNinjaGaming, Ari, Selkie, BradLand, Gocj, SirDerpsAlot, neil_the_eel, katze, carbonated, Bionic, Baudib1
4 Marluxion Atlas, Frostwolf103, Daeron, May
2 Artemis Millium, alexandra
2 Frostwolf103 an_gorta_slanktai, Ephemera
1 Jinrou Manny
1 Sadbi Meuh
1 alexandra ash4fun
1 Gorta Zone_Q11
1 Magnus Apocryphal
1 gori Artemis
1 Gocj Ashlyn
1 Marluna CarrotyReaper
1 ChaosNinjaGaming Creature
27 Not Voting Achromatic, Ash, beancat, crazynuto, Dum, Garfooled, gori, Gorta, Hazardwaste, Hehehaha420blazing, Hippopablompoyeetus, JakeTheWolfie, Jarek, Kelsier, Kork, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Magnus, Marluna, Marluxion, Memekingpizza, pandora, Porscha, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang
6 Unrecognized Brakuren (for Cape90), Sadbi (for Cape90), Stick (for Italy), SilverKeith (for Name), Jane (for Leafia), Ranta (for everyone)
Raw VC for the plugin

JakeTheWolfie (21): WindwardAway, bystander, benguinedparbecue, Kanave, Jinrou, nutella, ElizaThePsycho, dyachei, Hallia, jail, ChaosNinjaGaming, Ari, Selkie, BradLand, Gocj, SirDerpsAlot, neil_the_eel, katze, carbonated, Bionic, Baudib1
Marluxion (4): Atlas, Frostwolf103, Daeron, May
Artemis (2): Millium, alexandra
Frostwolf103 (2): an_gorta_slanktai, Ephemera
Cape90 (2): Brakuren, Sadbi
Jinrou (1): Manny
Sadbi (1): Meuh
alexandra (1): ash4fun
Gorta (1): Zone_Q11
Magnus (1): Apocryphal
gori (1): Artemis
Gocj (1): Ashlyn
Marluna (1): CarrotyReaper
ChaosNinjaGaming (1): Creature
Italy (1): Stick
Name (1): SilverKeith
Leafia (1): Jane
everyone (1): Ranta

Not Voting (27): Achromatic, Ash, beancat, crazynuto, Dum, Garfooled, gori, Gorta, Hazardwaste, Hehehaha420blazing, Hippopablompoyeetus, JakeTheWolfie, Jarek, Kelsier, Kork, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Magnus, Marluna, Marluxion, Memekingpizza, pandora, Porscha, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

uhh most of them were kinda shot off but i made a readlist post near the end of d1? idrt i could giove much on as to why? mostly bc idr. names like uhh jane/selkie were both ones that i had rlly good gut takes from ig

I trust her for now i think

i v read insom (slanktai) owo

I’m gonna be honest with you Jake
I don’t think you’re allowed to say you signed an NDA either

can u talk to me about stocl 3?

i feel so brave being on a wagon

i didnt know ppl put actual reads for sheep submissions lol

also i wouldve prob placed if i actually knew what reads people had at the time ughdhfajsdfld
i got like everything else right


Where’s my cookie for 1000th post

This game BLOWS

ok i am back
what does the current shot list look like

you will get a cookie when you deserve it

Ur mom

prio: marluxion
backup: marluna (part marluxion)

:skull: maybe i’ll just shoot window 3

does fol maches have 2nd 3rd place prizes and stuff liek that

VOTE: Sadbi reiterating