FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Anyways I went and at dinner did anything important happen in the last half hour

I’ma continue to tunnel Artemis, I am specifically using tunnel now to annoy them because they told katze to make fun of me, but also they are still a wolf

i thought if someone’s full health (100) base crit chance is 10?

wtf im so towny what

I’m killing @meuh

Emily who let you on the Internet


no me owo

I’m kicking out though so I wanna protect the Burning Hammer.

This feels so fake lmao

Why? I had them as town yesterday just curious

Would you like me to rescind my apology?

it doesnt! its neil

She apologized for the katze thing

Would hazard (the player) buss kii (another player) if they read them wolf?

thats using words in a logical sequence wdym

Nah idts. This was one of Gira’s most confident detailed reads FWIW.

funny post for someone who’s played with me one time ever

OK how about

hell in the cage on teh top of the empire state building

and i give u the legdrop from the very top to the bottom

Fucking plans on kicking out of a move from the top of a building.

What a phenomenal professional wrestler.

sabi halp

They won’t stop voting me