FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

I thought I saw it earlier but i didnt see it looking back againb

Im talking in a v!hazard situation

its ok i was just asking to see if anyone who knew bymemomry not gonna make anyone search for me lol

cuz i thought u was in thread a lot

ty tho

he was like the biggest kiiruma pusher

which also p much directly outed leafia (who he also pushed!)

theyre not standard here but also we dont have mashes a ton so shrugze

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I can’t wait to ita you

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Look let’s all make a pact to kill Achro at Lylo or something. Don’t worry about it today.

gg :joy_cat: owo

problem is i’ll possibly be there as well owo

owo… owo.

xD (i probs would have signed up even regardless bc i like mashes LOL, tho i still dont like FoL)

My language is simply superior ong

fetch bitch give me this info

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how can v!hazard bus

thank u i didnt know

I wish for mod alignment reveal of frostwolf103

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Im not reading all that, is there a tl:dr of if they act similarly in here

I wish for an modpeek on Sadbi

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im being so nice and not being weird and posting normal and contributing and doing stuff

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There is no LELO. It’s not announced.

by reading kii then outting them duh

I left thread like around a hour before eox

What a waste L bozo