FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

i know how to do it, too, but in general seeing like a players approach and logic tells me more


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@memekingpizza youre being thrown

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You should give this a listen. It’s not Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” this time.

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Sadbi and Hallia are my strongest V reads based on posting alone fwiw.

Cant believe its not LMAO

Like, imagine being told you have to write all your stuff as Shakespearean sonnets, with the correct rhyme scheme and in iambic pentameter.

Next one in the list is Gori

For context, we misread Pandora in that game because we were misled to believe her ability had a public protown effect. She wasn’t trusted socially, which is why we policed and stole her claimed power for ourselves.

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nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nyay wolfcasing Nyutrals

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What does thay mean

go read hazard he says you have 100% acc please

I didn’t hard townread Pandora IIRC in that game, I read her as “not the Demon for ability + being too inactive” which was a separate thing from wolf/townreading her. I thought she’d put in more effort as Demon. I didn’t slot her in as Minion because I already had too many Minion candidates

Also I’ve played a bunch of games with her since and have adjusted my framework for levels of activity accordingly - there was in fact a period of time where I townread her being inactive, but she broke that meta/has out of game reasons to be inactive right now so I don’t follow the source of that bad read RN

Was it banshee

Nyalligers? Nyowns






i already posted it… BUT
In my intereaction with kiiruma day 1 i didnt like him. his claim felt off and him introducing me and speaking for me felt like he was trying to force words in my mouth
“We never trust each other and will be paranoid of each other for a while cause we are best friends”
Like this sent of so many warning signs. i challenged him and he just said “No i didnt”

I was content of killing him on day 2. (which was why i put his name in the "who is likely to be shot tomorrow)
but then his accusation of achro felt too silly of a thing that wolf kiiruma would do. which i was very wrong on.



I do! But based on that… it gives me a vibe but ill do some more in depth research on their posts

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every game you have read me correctly