FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

No, like gocj i think they’ve been ok today

The other three not so much

100% read rate continues. MKP you actually terrify me lol

I guess I could see Alexandra being a villager who can’t be assed with 24-hour mashes but I would expect more from him.

I saw, but I didn’t find it convincing.

Is there literally anything I can do to at least get you to shoot me, like, tomorrow? I’ve won three events I have prizes I want to use if you shoot me I will NOT forgive you

meh this is all the same shit you’ve been saying tho

i want like

the weird thoughts you half have but dont want to post because they’re weird and unsubstantiated

Who has it?
Who made the spreadsheet?
I know there’s at least 1 person in each mech-heavy game that makes notes of everything.
Where is the list of all ITA shots?

what about their push of brad makes them more suspicious then winds push of brad

Wait why are people talking about shooting may

agenda’d? how so? you think everyone on it was bad, or just some of us?
because 3 of the people on the wagon have flipped v, and a fourth is greenchecked
you also mentioned my “posting was bad” but never actually elaborated on that. if youre willing to advocate for my death you must have more, right?

me, magnus

mag has the ita shots, i have everything else

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Bc they haven’t done anything to make me feel better about them beyond that

Idk how to be more clear

Why do you keep talking about Wind flipping W?

Gori feels like they would obvtown if they have posted in this thread

Well see Brad is being stupid and/or insane

Day 1 Summary

– Non-Playable Events –

Marl needs 6 votes for an alignment check on him (happened with Windwardaway D1), Apocryphal will “destroy anyone” who interacts with her, Creature and Leafia are poisoned. https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/4?u=atlas.

Kiiruma’s flip now reveals at least one of those [the poisons] (likely on leafia) is fake. The one on creature may or may not be real.

Memekingpizza reveals members of the agenda https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1336?u=atlas & https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1341?u=atlas

– Playable Events –

More Propaganda, and role design contest https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/6?u=atlas

Geogessur playerlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2401?u=atlas, won by ash

Host Trivia in a Trenchcoat https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/7861?u=atlas, won by katze

– Readlists –

Manny readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/618?u=atlas

Katze readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1218?u=atlas & https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1426?u=atlas & https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/7182?u=atlas

ash4fun readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1288?u=atlas

Insomnia (an_gorta) reads https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1551?u=atlas

Selkie readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2183?u=atlas

sadbi readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2246?u=atlas

brad readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3071?u=atlas & https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/7963?u=atlas

luxy readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3180?u=atlas (flipped town)

atlas readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/6851?u=atlas

jail readlist https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/7546?u=atlas

– Less important claims but still there –


kii’s “abil conf thing” https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/288?u=atlas (flipped wolf)
Creature claims that they won’t die to the poison on them https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1564?u=atlas
kii claims to interact with super likes https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3528?u=atlas (flipped wolf)
eliza claims to be given 1x modpost a night? https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3628?u=atlas & can ita twice https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3662?u=atlas
bystander has less direct hit chance but a higher damage hit https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/6109
baudib1 sent spf a boosted ita (she can’t confirm because shes dead) https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2385?u=atlas
yawn targeted leafia and stick n1 https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/5973?u=atlas
cape90 claimed to have known a “demon” (which was a flipped wolf) is inplay (cape is flipped town)

– Full/More Important Claims –

manny claims ita healer https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/263?u=atlas (fullclaim here): https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/5580

Crazynuto claims to do things related to superlikes https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1104?u=atlas

memekingpizza reveals members of guilds publically https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1341?u=atlas

Sadbi claims prot https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1632?u=atlas

Pandora claims some sort of killer tracker https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2126?u=atlas

Marl claims a role that deals damage to players at night https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1917, targeted Artemis N1 (deals exactly 10hp?)

Wazza claimed to learn wind’s alignment from the 6 votes thing, which is apparently town

may has info on zug? https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3119?u=atlas

dum has info on zug? https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3316?u=atlas & https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3336?u=atlas

jake claims vig who tried to shoot brad but failed because brad is “a leader” https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3961?u=atlas. they are also ita immune, apparently.
brad claims to not be in a guild, so jake is more then likely lying

gocj redirects all damage on them to jin https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/5121?u=atlas

atlas says she has some semi-decent mech on jail

ari claims machoizer(/vulnerablizer) and is idling https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3427?u=atlas & https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3443?u=atlas

kanave claims weirdish savant https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2629?u=atlas

mill knows that artemis isn’t saying everything about her role? https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/6690?u=atlas

atlas asks for exactly 3 superlikes https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/6920?u=atlas & https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/6922?u=atlas

marl got an invite to “a music league” https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/7757?u=atlas

– Weird Stuff That Happened™ –

May’s name is in gold

Sadbi got sent a picture of two anime girls https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2040?u=atlas

– Event Prizes –

May claims he got a flavourcop for winning the foler trivia https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2154?u=atlas, used n1
Jane got… two armour from the sheep event https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2105?u=atlas
…ash got a +5% ita https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3959?u=atlas
artemis claims “something similar” to what ash got https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/3988?u=atlas
ashlyn claims to have got a “potion” that heals her for 5 hp or increases her ita damage by 5 https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/6104?u=atlas

– Guilds –

Atlas and Apocryphal are confirmed to be in the Joycat Guild (when I got a cookie the guild started winning, and when she did it didn’t become contested)
Katze Sadbi and May are confirmed to be in the Boomer Guild (when katze + sadbi got a cookie, it became contested. when may did, the boomers began winning)
Gocji, Zone_Q11, and ElizathePsycho are The Agenda https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1336

Marl claims to be a member of the Agenda https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2200?u=atlas, as does Frostwolf103 https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/7933?u=atlas

– Superlikes –

Atlas superliked Leafia, didn’t use her second like
Ashlyn superliked marl d1 https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2218

Kanave superliked spf d1 https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2281?u=atlas
Artemis superliked Atlas d1 https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2314?u=atlas

May superliked zug, forgot to use his second https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2317?u=atlas

d2 -

zug superliked atlas

– Litten’s ita method game –

May goes first https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1814?u=atlas, and removes Magnus, Ashlyn, and Garfooled

Atlas goes second, https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1877?u=atlas, removes Achro, Silverkeith, and Wazza

Katze goes third, https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/1915?u=atlas, removes Eliza, Zug, and Kanave

Ashlyn goes fourth, https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2037?u=atlas, picks Ari, Gori, and carbonated (the latter of which by technicality)

Magnus goes fifth, https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2326?u=atlas, picks Artemis, Bystander, Daeron

Marluxion goes sixth, https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2761, picks Kork

WindwardAway goes seventh, https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-3-day-2/8641/2982, picks Luxy, Hazardwaste, Frostwolf103

– Conclusion –

ping me if i missed anything. or if the quote thing still pings you and i'll try and fix it

go nuts

Has anyone actually asked if anyone got WWA’s Allignment from yesterday?

Like I said earlier I’m on mobile til tomorrow, so I won’t be doing much casing I’m just living in the moment and staying caught up

wazza got town

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