FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


VOTE: alexandra

Bionic shot an ITA immune which is like towny for him

Heā€™s usually more thoughtful and planned as a wolf and just does whatever as town

Who was it?

Bionic played towards the scum wincon I feel thatā€™s more townie

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Oh Jake is ITA immune?


Jarek just feels like they have given up. But like its only day 2 so why?

Third person to shoot Jake, everybody had already gone ā€œJake is ITA immune stop shooting Jakeā€

dawg even I knew that and Iā€™ve been in WORK

Probably. 3 shots all missed

11 shots laterā€¦

like 6 shots went to him and missed (game version of force no connect)

Yes 3 shots on them failed to ocnnect (i.e. werenā€™t processed at all)

How do you reqd iso from people who have more than 50 posts not only you cant check what people are responding to without having to leave the thread (annoying) you also have to hop between 3 thread (what the fuck) i dont see how someone get reads outside of realtiming and my ass is probably missin g every eod kill me already i want to be fired from the village

I thought it was 2 shots?

yā€™all should I ITA Jake for the lolz

3 i belive
