FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Katze left it to Gocj and Jane.

Gocj wants Magnus/Alexanra and I agree. I think Jane disagreed and wants Jarek.

I mean again we should go for the magnus/alexandra core

Yes I can, given that Katze was voting Tutuu at the time you voted Achro.

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Sounds like you have a plan and I can be useful instead. Useful anywhere but here that is!

I would say add Gorta/Hippo to the shotlist

Gorta probably needs to die because their EoD was bad, even though I think there is merit to “they are too underwhelming to be a wolf”

Hippo idk if they’ve done anything other than trolling all game (also idk if that’s AI for them)

I’m not confident in these shots, but I do not feel good about Magnus/Alexandra shots

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i’d like to personally request no shots on jail for strannggeeee myyyyssssterrrrioussssss mech i have

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the katze post before i voted (not right before) literally says “tutuu/achro w/w” so /shrug

Jinrou reads magnus wolf
Wazza reads magnus wolf
Atlas reads magnus wolf (i think)
Baudib also seems to read magnus wolf
I read magnus wolf (some posts were meh at best)

woah woah woah

you’re putting words in my mouth

Hippo last I saw them wolf was decently agenda-y, got into a massive fight with Leafia and got D1ed for pushing her when she was obvtown

i dislike their constant pushes of just lhf

I actively said what I thought of Magnus wasn’t AI, I said it was it was wolf-leaning, but ultimately I’m convinced I can’t see it as being AI

Didnt you say or is my 2:3p am brain kicking in again

Ah fair

I mean, I can get where you saw it

I’d be more surprised if they flipped town over wolf

which i’m pretty sure they were getting called v like less then 8h ago which is something

Correction wazza has a bit of a wolf lean on them

I would like to put it out there that I have an extremely consistent bias toward Magnus. Last time I played against w!Magnus I begged Hazzy in a neighbourhood to force me to vote htem the next day and I still couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not even my past self can get me to stop

They feel too lenient to be town for my liking, but they also feel too passive to be mafia

I might have to just say probably neutral like Atlas thought but I hate pulling out that card