FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

UH Listen here you fucker.
YOU were the one who decided to use me as a fucking meat shield.
I solved 2 rooms by myself and instead you thought it was smart to open a door without looking and I got blasted by a CANNON.

… >:(

I’m STILL salty about that.

I want Kat to help make shot lists today

i dont think ive ever seen one if im thinking of the right undergdog

yeah but it’s pointless
no one ever follows a short list

Wait who else has said cape, i havent seen it besides this

is there an official shot list somewhere? who gets to decide

eh its possible its a user thing

I will choose Carbonated and ChaosNinjaGaming.

Ash is out of the option from me.

Ari, CarrotyReaper, Kork, Kelsier and Luxy havent got strong impressions for me. They have to be sorted out too in next windows.

Even though I read from others there are more positives about Kork and CarrotyReaper, but I am not going to look it up unless these people themselves talk me in the present.

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@marluxion here it is!


VOTE: Gorta

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Well firinn obvtowned so there’s no real room for doubt
Plus I’m willing to bet your slot was protected last night

They are , they’re working on it

I was gonna say that Millium could be a fun shot but then I don’t really wanna do it cause she seemed to be involved in some relevant mech stuff?
But then also avoiding to shoot someone because they have any form of info or mroe concrete involvement is maybe not the way to go

which 4 people do u wanna blast nya?

also wanna shoot cape personally
along with insomn jinrou and [redacted] redacted is because katze vetoes me from doing it :pensive:

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Good she’s one of my top town rn

Imagine being able to come up with three names that you would be down to shoot


Ig I can come up with two

Crazynuto and Manny


STOP THROWING MY NAME OUT i know u guys arent reading me ur just judging me based off of defending tutuu when tutuu was probablt mostly BUSSED!!! wagonomics guys…

i had interacted with tutuu on multiple occasions and they refused to even put me in their readslists
people who see this need to realize on what universe would mafia min willingly hard defend his partner. who is going to powerwolf w!tutuu when tutuu’s role isnt even that powerful


Her mech isn’t especially relevant, but I think she’s fairly strongly town.