FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

backups are p standard for mashes as far as i know but like this isnt a comment thats helpful

My shot list

Manny - Their ā€œactionā€ and behavior is suspicious overall
Crazy - yesterdayā€™s post
Italy - Sabdi sold me on this

Well boohoo anything in thread could easily be wolf theatre. Do you have any actual reason to scumread me

nuh uh

It could be both

Real post restriction and Brak just fucking around

Itā€™s FAM afterall


what the fuck eph is playing this

Idk anyone who tutuu spewed or clearly scummy people or D1 cw or people on d1 cw or people with odd mech claims or slankers or people with obvs agenda or people out of meta

oh? idgi

Pick one of them

i would really think the hosts would call it off if it was causing other players issues

Okay so Creature and Leafia are both poisoned then?

Iā€™m thinking the same thing honestly.

Sheeping Sabi sure is a choice one can make

im not reading spew but tbh fair point ig? idk i dont see hip[po as being towny and ikl u were on sticks shatlist

I wrote it in my overnight post, Iā€™m not gonna repeat myself.
Also I didnā€™t see any pings but the notifications are loading in bulk so maybe thatā€™s why

i hope u know that literally every single person that knows me is currently townreading me.
So if u shoot me itā€™d be a hero shot :joy_cat:

Hoe I was mostly afk during eod


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iā€™m genuinely getting a headache with yā€™all