FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

@Zugzwang I know the old Terminal of Lies without the GUI could count how many posts everybody had in a thread pretty quickly, is that still accessible?

It is tragic how low I am

But not unexpected tbh

I am never high on peopleā€™s town reads :pensive:

I townread Hallia and Hallia is townreading you

I just donā€™t trust Hallia to lead town in the correct direction

Like unless Italy post something that is towny and just be hostile and screaming at me, he can get shot

okay i think im good with that

im fine with jinrou on shotlists but lemme actually reread their eod 1s

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anyway @Atlas that interaction is what i was thinking of when i was looking at the top wagons and voted achro
i hadnt really seen anything besides shitposts from tutuu which i didnt really think was AI

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can i scumread u if they flip town

She was obvtown sheā€™s polarized noob.

i gotcha
ā€¦beside the fact i did that and people arenā€™t paying too much attention to you if you donā€™t give concrete reasons


It is hilarious that Katze is the town leader of this game

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Didnā€™tVOTE: Name you ended up voting tutuu?

er I just did anticlaim but for guilds :skull: but point Iā€™m trying to make is whoever revealed top posters of the agenda is likely a mafia role who now has an something to use against them and wellā€¦you too?

Eh fair



This was a ridiculous comment to make regarding a player with 99 posts on the first day, but in any case Katze should also be town. If my recent luck of bizarre reads is any metric, this is reasonably likely to be false, but that wonā€™t be my fault. Iā€™m more so looking at the EOD1 legacy post, so well as the frequent updating readlists which demonstrate a penchant for meticulousness, to substantiate that assessment; but thatā€™s outside the scope of this post.

Manny is a busser can confirm. But I also donā€™t think him not cred grabbing is clearing. I think his posts on tutuu look good th

I misses the memo where katze is town tbh


Iā€™m kind of tempted to ask people to massclaim Super Likes because catbae was made eligible for the wolf ability so the wolves wouldā€™ve superliked him more. But he also got htem naturally and I donā€™t think itā€™s acutally worth risking any chance of anticlaim?