FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Do I look like I care!? :woozy_face:

I treat Marluxion like Achro: If he doesn’t die by D3, then he’s more likely to be evil or detrimental to town than not.

I have s*** memory, but I can still remember Elf Gold Rush. We used the heck out of Marluxion before pushing him to death for rallying townies to death. I ain’t trusting Marluxion even for a bit until I see good results.

(At least Achro was tutuu’s 1st voter, so he’s been under my radar for a while now.)
(Eh. We’ll check up on him again on D3. Maybe D4 if we’re too lazy to check on D3.)

In that case we shouldn’t ITA Jarek anymore
If it’s something like a lover role then if he’s town, wolves will go for the freebie anyway and we don’t need to do their job for them. And if he’s a wolf then we just kill him tomorrow.

what the duck marl at achro tier

Mm no it’s a vengful flavour

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A shot was fired at JakeTheWolfie!

Nobody died!

ily marl but :joy_cat:

I’m going to bed now. Good night.


Ah, ok


lmao day angeled

im sorry what

We neee more death smh

That “consensus” does not include me! :nerd_face:
(Also, I’ve been meaning to ask you this, but why is your name gold-colored?)

Look I apologise for being obtuse and not exactly townie this game the best I can do is try and not grief you too hard on the way out.

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I’m ngl I was thinking Jake might be like a serial killer with full kill immunity
This kinda drives that idea in further

they might have a connection to something that can kill them.

Or this

I suck at games that are big like this I just cannot handle it so if you guys are absolutely obsessed with killing me then go for it. Again, I’m sorry if I’ve lessened the experience for people here. By existing.

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