FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

ID want to get out of bed :(

Oh sorry

Uh I think I saw other people write your name like this and just assumed it was written like this :wowee:

Y’know… We could just call him Ash-Greyninja if y’all are struggling so much with it.


we have literally known each other for like 4 years

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 2 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
19 JakeTheWolfie WindwardAway, benguinedparbecue, nutella, ElizaThePsycho, dyachei, Hallia, jail, ChaosNinjaGaming, Ari, Selkie, BradLand, Gocj, SirDerpsAlot, neil_the_eel, carbonated, Bionic, Ash, beancat, Ashlyn
7 Marluxion Frostwolf103, Daeron, katze, Ephemera, Atlas, May, JakeTheWolfie
3 Artemis Millium, bystander, Creature
2 Marluna CarrotyReaper, Brakuren
2 Garfooled Stick, Jane
1 Frostwolf103 an_gorta_slanktai
1 Manny Jinrou
1 Sadbi Meuh
1 SilverKeith Sadbi
1 Hehehaha420blazing Manny
1 Kanave Kanave
1 Wazza Hehehaha420blazing
1 Meuh Zone_Q11
23 Not Voting Achromatic, crazynuto, Dum, Garfooled, gori, Gorta, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Kelsier, Kork, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Marluxion, Memekingpizza, pandora, Porscha, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, Artemis
5 Unrecognized ash4fun (for alexandra), Baudib1 (for alexandra), Apocryphal (for Magnus), SilverKeith (for Name), Ranta (for everyone)
Raw VC for the plugin

JakeTheWolfie (19): WindwardAway, benguinedparbecue, nutella, ElizaThePsycho, dyachei, Hallia, jail, ChaosNinjaGaming, Ari, Selkie, BradLand, Gocj, SirDerpsAlot, neil_the_eel, carbonated, Bionic, Ash, beancat, Ashlyn
Marluxion (7): Frostwolf103, Daeron, katze, Ephemera, Atlas, May, JakeTheWolfie
Artemis (3): Millium, bystander, Creature
Marluna (2): CarrotyReaper, Brakuren
Garfooled (2): Stick, Jane
alexandra (2): ash4fun, Baudib1
Frostwolf103 (1): an_gorta_slanktai
Manny (1): Jinrou
Sadbi (1): Meuh
SilverKeith (1): Sadbi
Hehehaha420blazing (1): Manny
Kanave (1): Kanave
Wazza (1): Hehehaha420blazing
Meuh (1): Zone_Q11
Magnus (1): Apocryphal
Name (1): SilverKeith
everyone (1): Ranta

Not Voting (23): Achromatic, crazynuto, Dum, Garfooled, gori, Gorta, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Kelsier, Kork, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Marluxion, Memekingpizza, pandora, Porscha, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, Artemis

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

I don’t know if I believe Jarek’s claim because, lmao, it’s the easiest thing to claim (vengeful) when you’re on ITA lists. But the way he went about talking about himself and his struggles and being apologetic just seem to be classic new mash player towntelling.

… is jarek new to mashes? hes been playing for years now i thought

Say, who is this person anyway?
I have skimmed all four threads, but I don’t remember any instance of this player.

i think they have 3 posts total

Carb’s eod post didnt seem wolfy

Porscha felt fine when i was in topic with her

Fine with the rest

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ITA Day 2 / WINDOW 1


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… i still cant believe they FUCKING shot me.


Time to actually read Ash (Ash Ash as in not Ash4fun or Ashlyn)'s posts

I’ve decided this is what I’m calling them now

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…ah! Found it.
Oh, it’s the red discord symbol person.

Hm… I remember their existence, but nothing of their content.
(Average posts per thread… 30 posts.)

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headache again
maybe its discord
maybe its maybelline


Post can’t be empty

freudian wolf slip awoo