FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

How should we know that?

Probably around 15

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Greatly appreciated

dont look nya

:eye: w :eye:

I’ll only fully be around for my lunch and the last 30 mins of EoD, work life

You usually do 25% of the playerlist and round up for safety

I can’t do it cuz im on phone, but i’ll hop on pc for a minute to venture a solve

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yo katze

this reads kinda like a joke post but every joke has some truth behind it

So what was the rationale behind this post

Magnus was sus in terms of theie posting but they always is sus with how they posts.

Cape defended kii and two other flip wolves.

I’m not sure what else has to be said?

Who are the deeper wolves? If there are any

(I typed that entirely from memory I expect it to be completely wrong)

It was my wolf partners that shot magnus cuz they were pushing me and i was backup kp


Marluna shooting Magnus is w/e I don’t think they are wolfy still, but I’m not as confident on that as I was


so 20/21 - 6, so about 15-16

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wait no that’s illegal owo

68, apparently.

also, give us your lunch money.

Magnus’ pronouns are listed as they/them

individual rationale for each person’s shot owo

not the reason why the leaders put em on shots lists owo

why each person chose their shot over like the wolf owo

Yo katze

I feel like this might have been a joke post

But also i feel like there’s some truth behind every joke and I just got pinged by this

So can you tell me the rationale behind this post?