FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

serious post: if anyone else calls my iso NAI by this point blast em imo owo

Millium has mech on Artemis and it very much sounds like he believes it and he is too invested in the game to ever be a wolf here.

Ur iso is nai

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well, i wouldn’t go that far, but he’s certainly towny owo

ya got me owo

I will rename your ISO into NAI.

Knowing how wisp feels about mashes. He would not be this invested in the game as wolf.

sabi already made the joke owo

Trust me I know wisp way too well.

really? never seen wisp mash wolf (or mash at all tbh) so w/e owo

idm sheeping that read on millium sure owo

Why is the VC still linking posts? I woke up to 23 notifications.

He only mashed Ani last year as town. He thought mashes are overwhelming and too chaotic and noisy.

So if he’s wolf I think he would have leaned on that.

Plus the fact of the matter he keeps fighting with Artemis and he is very much hard pushing his mech and believes in it. To the point that if he’s wolf, he deserves an Oscar for this

just clear any notifs from famhost or something idk owo

It’s a wolf ability

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tru ig owo

wouldn’t lock it in permanently but it’s decent owo

:hmmyes: owo

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what kinda mech?

apparently artemis is the miller claim owo

wisp (millium) says either that’s a lie or that’s not all there is to the role owo

He apparently has a mech that checks roles and that Artemis is lying about her role