FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

ur ass is literally playing mafia rn the fuck u mean retired

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@magnus its 4 minutes til ita 2
a lot of people want you dead
fix it

This is a lie

Now thinking about it… that is the definition of lurking kinda.


honestly if Jake isn’t fully ITA immune, I’d say it would be 3 shots before shots start connecting on him, but like I said, it’s just not worth it to find out

fam is like, 2/3rds mafia at best

the post as a wolf only makes sense if you plan to bus.

you never get the villagers in that pile killed.

ehhhhh it what I do in mafia.

I’m mechanically clearable using the same mechanics Atlas is familiar with. Move on.

close enough

god if jake is town i’m going to dig two graves in minecraft

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I said id read who was on the cape shooting him but i ended up reading 1 guy who i found villagey before giving up who do i shoot give me free wolves so im ultra town and get fear killed plox

@Zugzwang why did u flag luxy’s one-liner post SRing leafia as townie but didnt provide ur own read on leafia? nya

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Also like having 2 auto misses is something + there was another ability that couldnt mise supposedly


wolf wincon is surviving, ja?


gonna need more explaination on that one

who’s the other one for

Watching your nya torment is endlessly funny to me