FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Idk I felt like they were a lost villager


Please hosts I will love you @FAMHost

Zara wanted us to look at nutella after the ita#1 stuff.

someone do the work while I look for food, thanks.

Tbh I was too

I still think it’s likely w/v anyway

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I think marls probably mafia and we arent gonna clear them anyway cuz jake gonna meme it

deepwolf katze confirmed.

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ok well i didnt and i dont wanmt to. why

Zara was omgus ing and also accusing me of wolfing

superlike, superlike
but wait a minute while I make you mine, make you mine

gth im still leaning artemis is sussy bc idt gori flips w here at all but what do i know im washed

Ngl I had the same thought but there’s still decent odds we can get the peek so shrug

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Yeah that’s the idea, while I also keep eye open what is considered town conseneus and lock scum.

So later, it gets much faster

so what?

Just because he was omgussing does not mean he is wrong on every read.

Do you think because he is wrong on you we should ignore everything else?

Lots of villagery microtells. If you start reading this game from like 3 hours ago she looks like the only villager in the thread tbh. Everyone else was positing about music videos and she was trying to talk about the game.

ok maybe be town then? just ignore zara until d3 bc u pushing at him isnt helpfiul

Can i put a request to use peoples users names

FAM4 when marl is greenpeeked

wow ok