FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2


you are

i pushed kiiruma with my first posts of d2 and shot italy


Alright I wasn’t really there for much for the start of today

i have too many townreads idk where the wolves are

no event -.-

i go eat

Maybe they are just townreading each other

@ FAMHost this is your chance host an event right meow



Hopefully a death event worth 2 dayvigs

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No ebents for next 2 hours pls im about to take off

towns about

I retract anything I said. I am not sure what wires got crossed on my phone but I rechecked and my statement is just wrong.

on what???

on the joke

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Am pretty sure wolves have a role that lets them know 1 hour before an event starts so they can join it and coordinate on it.

@beancat are you also lurking

Is this a wolfy pop-in?

Mostly it’s from bunch of one-shot abilities you pick up from boat of horrors, then again this is mafia-ability type of event.