FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

I love that this site has emojis it’s so dumb but fun

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Oh, I just realised. One of the poisoned people today is probably someone who gave a kiiruma post a super like yesterday. They received 2 super likes yesterday and their ability allows them to fake poison one of those people so yea


Derps and he could be idk


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that person is dead and flipped wolf, but yes!

but I’m lhf anyways no reason to not just throw shade at me and push later

I think jinrou is probably an ok shat fwiw nya

Oh lel who was it? Nya

Pretty sure Leafia superliked Kiiruma

I think Kiiruma claimed another player also superliked them, but I’m not sure who (maybe it was catbae)

It is a digimon

oh i forgot to mention but also a bit abt my playstyle

i love to flavorchef but I don’t think that is going to work out very well in a metamafia where idk anyone

Oh it was leafia nya

I’m derp cleared NYA


The one poisoned person who is dead. :smiley:

Turns out she fake poisoned herself and creature.

Maybe Kiiruma realpoisoned me and fakepoisoned catbae and Leafia (assuming catbae was the other one who superliked Kiiruma)

Yea they had 2 super likes and I wanna say the 2nd person is prob also a POE wolf LOL nya

I didn’t superlike Kiiruma therefore I couldn’t be fakepoisoned fmpov